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Health & Well-being For Employees

Introducing a massage therapy day on a monthly basis can have significant benefits for their company and more importantly, its employees. 
Sitting at a desk for extended periods can lead to poor posture and related health issues. A massage therapy day will help alleviate these issues by providing employees with an opportunity to receive regular massages to relieve the tension, pain, and everyday stiffness that occurs in the workplace environment, which often is in the neck, back, and shoulders. This can result in improved posture and reduced discomfort, leading to increased productivity and job satisfaction. By offering this benefit, the company can also demonstrate that it values the health and well-being of its employees, resulting in increased employee morale and loyalty.
Regular massages can also help reduce stress and anxiety, which are common among employees working in a high-pressure corporate environment. By providing a designated massage therapy day, the company can help reduce stress levels among employees and promote a more relaxed and positive workplace atmosphere. In turn, this can lead to better work performance, as employees who are less stressed and more relaxed are able to focus and be more productive. Ultimately, offering massage therapy on a monthly basis can be a cost-effective way for a corporate company to promote employee health, reduce absenteeism, and improve overall workplace productivity and satisfaction

Reduced Stress

Reduction in stress by as much as 85%. Massage reduces the stress related hormones cortisol and adrenaline and releases the happy hormones. It’s a human need to be touched, let’s promote it.

Reduced back pain

Massage increases and improves circulation which can alleviate a lot of tension in the back and neck. Reduction in muscle tension and back pain by 48%. Massage can undo those knots and reduce chronic muscle pain

Increased Morale

Staff who feel that they are valued are more likely to want to produce good results. What better way to recognise worth than with a stress relieving massage at work?

Reduced sick days

Massage not only makes a person feel better because the knots have gone, it also boosts the immune system. Research has shown a 70% boost in white blood cells after a massage. Add this with the stress relieving factors and watch those sick days diminish.

Some of our great Clients 

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